The Enchanted Realms: The Story


This interactive storybook was made for an amazing woman... Madeline. She likes this kind of stuff and I had fun making it for her.


This storybook is in the very beginning stages of development. Currently there is no main menu and the menu button isn't set up yet. Only the first option leading to the Glowing Path is functional. I am quickly trying to get more plot into the game for Madeline's enjoyment.


Completed chapter 1 with 48 alternate story paths.

Note: Due to having null values, there is an infinite loop towards the end (4 button clicks). When the story starts looping, you have reached the end. Replay the game and try different choices. When I finish the story to my minimum satisfaction, I hope to display something at the end besides a loop. If anyone is interested in creating a 2D cutscene for me for the end of each chapter, I would greatly appreciate it. Leave a comment.

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